June 13, 2023
Second DSSP Travelling School in UNAL Campus La Paz: “Changing territories: Sharing ecological, socioeconomic and cultural SSN perspectives”
The second Traveling School of the bilateral Doctoral Studies Support Program (DSSP) is coming soon! Base is Campus La Paz of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL). More information and the program here.

June 28, 2023
Women’s Land Rights and Gender Transformative Practices
The ZEF Gender Group and the FLP jointly organise a panel discussion on Land Rights focusing on Women’s Land Rights and Gender Justice. Three members of the FLP from Latin America, South Asia and Africa will be panellists at the event. Join this panel to hear the experiences of researchers and activists from Asia, Africa and Latin America on women’s land rights movements, their challenges and the way forward. Dennis Avilés Irahola and Eva Youkhana, both researchers of DSSP are part of the organisation team and co-coordinators of the ZEF Gender Group.
On June 29 at 15.00 h (CET) info and registration link here.

May 15, 2023
SDG Graduate Schools Alliance (SDG GS Alliance) – Midterm Conference
See the full program here.
In the framework of the interdisciplinary activities of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Graduate Schools (GS) Alliance and as part of the internationalisation strategy of our program, together with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), we hereby kindly invite you to participate online in the SDG GS Alliance – Midterm Conference on Digitalisation in Higher Education and Research in International Cooperation for Sustainability.

November 9, 2022
Forum: Collaborative contributions for approaching information and environmental conflicts in Colombia
Next Friday 18th November from 15 h – 19 h (CET) the Environmental Information System (SIAMI-IDEA) will be presented joint with the new platform of the Environmental Conflict Observatory (OCA). Both platforms have been enhanced within DSSP. It will be possible to be in presence in UNAL or to follow the launching through the YouTube Channel of IDEA.

October 15, 2022
First Travelling Summer School
From 21st to 30th September, in the framework of the second phase of the DSSP, a group of ten master students and professors from different campuses of UNAL participated in the First Travelling School in the Amazonia campus.

September 19, 2022
Panel discussion “There is a future if there is truth” – Results and recommendations of the Truth Commission in Colombia.
“COLPAZ – Peace for Colombia”, “Center for Development Research (ZEF)”, “Nodo
Alemania de apoyo a la Comisión de la Verdad”, “Misereor”, “Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz)” and “Ibero-Club e.V. Bonn” invite you to an event on the occasion of
the report of the Colombian Truth Commission on the armed conflict.

June 21-24, 2022
3rd Workshop on “Participatory Monitoring of biodiversity loss in Colombia: Alternatives for understanding and resolving environmental conflicts” (ColPaMon) in Bonn (ZEF).
Between May and November 2021 two workshops and three conferences were carried out and contributed to deepen in diverse monitoring experiences in territories of conflict. With these inputs, we have increased the knowledge about participative and communitary monitoring processes.

June 8-10, 2022
Eighth Annual Conference of the World-Ecology Research Network, Bonn, June
Eva Youkhana, Dennis Aviles and Carolina Tobón (all researcher of DSSP programm) present their work.
The theme of the 2022 conference „ Working Environments, Unruly Natures” focuses on the concept and politics of work in the World-Ecology conversation. Work is understood here in its multiple and bundled dimensions. Program here

April 14, 2022
Public Lecture on “Participatory Monitoring of biodiversity loss in Colombia: Alternatives for understanding and resolving environmental conflicts (ColPaMon)”
The purpose of this initiative is to explore alternatives, to better understand the roots of environmental conflicts and to support local stakeholders whose livelihoods are threatened by natural resources’ loss, exploitation or degradation, by working at the crossroads of science, local knowledge and activism.

January 19-21, 2022
XII Week of Environmental Studies:
Presentations of research projects by DSSP doctoral
students and postdocs

May 21, 2021
Panel discussion: “From tax reform to criminalization of protests: national and territorial perspectives in Colombia.”
Meeting ID: 947 9424 2933
Passcode: 263796
2:30 PM (MET) / 7:30 AM (Colombia)

March 11, 2021
I-COMMUNITAS- Institute for Advanced Social Research of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA) and the Servicio Socioeducativo Intercultural (SEI) organized the Symposium on “Sistemas educativos contemporáneos: Escuelas y familias en relación con la migración”.
The presentation will take place on Thursday, March 11, 2021 from 9:00 – 13:00.
The program includes a space for reflection on the new challenges for education in terms of the participation of immigrant families in school and the presentation of experiences, bodies and channels of participation. Moderated by our Writing Fellowship Belkis Rojas and with Eva Youkhana as keynote speaker.
Program here // Access: https://unavarra.zoom.us/j/6320380297

February 11, 2020
Doctoral defense by our DSSP student Mauricio Alberto Angel Macías
on “Air pollution in Bogotá in the XX century: historical approaches to the construction of a sanitary problem”. This research addresses the historical construction of air as a health and environmental problem for the city of Bogotá during the 20th century. This research was based on the review of primary source files: Bogotá Archive, press, historiography, specialized magazines and in-depth interviews with relevant local and regional actors. Quantitative and qualitative data extracted from the sources reconstructed the relationship of coexistence between Bogotás society and its air. This work carries out a broad approach that considers the relationships between geographical, meteorological and climatic conditions, which, together with the local society, built a type of polluted atmosphere in this city.

December 2, 2020
Advances in doctoral research on beetles in a Mexican context
At the VII Course on Biology, Ecology and Taxonomy of Colombian beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) organized by several universities, doctoral student Ingrid Quintero will present the preliminary results of her doctoral thesis, entitled “Main Agroecological Structure (MAS), dung beetles, functional activity and soils fertility in Andean livestock agroecosystems”. The doctoral project aims to identify variables, considering the criteria and indicators proposed by the MAS index, that affect dung beetles´s richness, abundance and/or functional activity (dung removal) in several cattle farms located at the Andean region of Colombia (municipalities of La Vega and Nocaima, Cundinamarca). This thesis was supported by the ZEF-IDEA Agreement.
October 14, 2020
Presentations of research projects by DSSP doctoral students and postdocs (2018-2020) available on the IDEA- YouTube channel.
The ZEF-IDEA agreement invites to participate in the day of October 14, where each of the doctoral fellows will have the opportunity to present the most relevant advances and results they have achieved in their research work.

July 30, 2020
Web-based seminars on natural resource management and peacebuilding is online
In June 2020, ZALF working group SusLand (Löhr/Lozano/Morales) in collaboration with Center for Development Research (ZEF) – University of Bonn (UoB) organized an online seminar series on «Environmental and Peacebuilding Practices in Conflict-Affected Scenarios».

June 11 to 26, 2020
Four web-based seminars on ‘Environmental and Peacebuilding Practices in Conflict-Affected Scenarios: Concepts and Tools for Assessment’
The seminar series is co-organized by the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) at Humboldt University in Berlin and the Center for Development Research (ZEF – University of Bonn)

October 8 to 12, 2018
VI Agroecology International Seminar, X National Agroecology Simposium, and the VIII Exchange Fair of Agroecology Experiences. City of Pasto (Nariño, Colombia)
“Contributions of agroecological practices to peace building in Colombia”
(Ingrid Quintero, Juliana Sabogal Aguilar and Julián Vivas García)

October 1 to 5, 2018
III Latin American Congress on Environmental Conflicts (COLCA-2018), city of Boca del Río (Veracruz, México)
“Conflict due to biomass and oil palm in the Community Councils of Jiguamiandó and Curvaradó (Chocó, Colombia)”
(Karem Acero)
“Conflict due to the environmental effects of sea level rise in Isla Múcura (Colombia)”
(Karem Acero and José Javier Toro)

September 10 to 12, 2018
15th Conference of the International Society of Ecological Economics in the city of Puebla, México
“The plurality of values in ecosystem services: challenges, scope and prospects”
(Carmenza Castiblanco Rozo & Diana Milena Lara)
“Analysis of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) schemes applied to the natural pollination service in a promising crop in the Department of Huila, Colombia”
(Laura Victoria Calderón Acero & Carmenza Castiblanco Rozo)
“Socio-cultural assessment of Ecosystem Services: Marine Reserve Prainha do Canto Verde (Brazil)”
(Diana Alexandra Tovar & Jeovah Meireles)