As part of the activities in 2022, the DSSP supported the mobility of different members of our academic community: professors, students, and graduates of the Environment and Development Master Program in IDEA and our fellows from DSSP to national and international events. In the second half of 2022, the program supported six mobilities of our community: one professor, one of our doctoral students, one member of the management team of IDEA, and three graduates from the master’s program.
Juan Diego Espinoza was on the “VII Congresso internacional de direitos humanos de Coimbra: uma visão transdisciplinar” in Coimbra, Portugal. He made a presentation titled “Cuando el río Atrato Suena: diálogo entre naturaleza y cultura en la garantía de derechos” (“When the Atrato River sounds: dialogue between nature and culture in the guarantee of rights”). This was part of the symposium called “Direitos humanos, natureza e sustentabilidade socioambiental”.

Mayra Libia González attended the “IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Ecología Política” in Quito, Ecuador and presented her work titles: “Entre la deforestación y la conservación. Zona amortiguadora del Parque Nacional Serranía de Chiribiquete – PNNSCH – (Guaviare – Colombia)” (“Between deforestation and conservation. Transition zone of National Park Serranía del Chiribiquete – PNNSCH – (Guaviare – Colombia)”). She also participated in a round table called “New green dispossession and the struggle for sustainability in the neoliberal context”.

María Mónica Clavijo made two presentations during the “9ª Conferencia Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Ciencias Sociales” in México City. One, product of her master thesis was “Aproximaciones empíricas sobre poder y sistemas de conocimiento en iniciativas de conservación de biodiversidad en América Latina” (“Empirical approaches to power and knowledge systems in Latin American biodiversity conservation initiatives”). The second, product of other research project she has been part of was titled “Coproducción de conocimientos y sus impactos en la gobernanza de sistemas socioecológicos: caso cuenca del río Coello, Tolima, Colombia” (Co-production of knowledge and its impacts on the governance of socio-ecological systems: the case of the Coello river basin, Tolima, Colombia”).

We congratulate the three speakers for their presentations and look forward to supporting more members of our academic community in Colombia this year for mobility to different kinds of events.