II Travelling School of the Doctoral Studies Support Programme (DSSP)

Changing territories: Sharing ecological, socioeconomic and cultural SSN perspectives National University of Colombia, Campus La Paz 17 to 28 June 2024 Background and objectives The II Travelling School (TS) for master's students from the different campuses of the National University arises within the framework of the Doctoral Studies Support Programme (DSSP), a specific cooperation agreement between the Center for Development Research (ZEF) a...

Redes de colaboración para diálogos pluriversales: ¿Cómo podemos contribuir los científicos al cambio necesario?

Por Carolina Tobón Ramírez Las investigadoras del Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo (ZEF) y del Programa de Apoyo a la Formación Doctoral (PAFD), Dra. Eva Youkhana y Dra. Dennis Avilés y dos antiguos becarios posdoctorales del programa, el Dr. Pablo de la Cruz y el Dr. Yilson Barrera-Beltrán participaron del 20 al 24 de mayo en los "Diálogos Pluriversales sobre Ética Ambiental: Descolonizando la práctica científica para un futuro más allá del ‘desa...

Collaborative Networks for Pluriversal Dialogues: How can we, as scientists, contribute to the necessary change?

By Carolina Tobón Ramírez ZEF Senior Researchers Dr. Eva Youkhana and Dr. Dennis Avilés, ZEF Alumni Dr. Alejandro Mora-Motta, ZEF Junior Researcher Emilia Fernengel and two former Doctoral Studies Support Programme (DSSP) Postdoctoral fellows,  Dr. Pablo de la Cruz and Dr. Yilson Barrera-Beltrán participated from the 20th to the 24th of May in the "Pluriversal Dialogues on Environmental Ethics: Decolonising Scientific Practice for Futures Beyond '...

Visita del Programa de Apoyo a la Formación Doctoral – PAFD a Argentina. 18 al 25 de marzo de 2024.

Por Laura Victoria Calderón, Nicolas Alexander Pérez Forero y Eva Shamiran Youkhana El Programa de Apoyo a la Formación Doctoral- PAFD y su equipo de trabajo, financiados por el Servicio de Intercambio Académico Alemán (DAAD) a través de su programa de Escuelas graduadas para los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (SDG-GS Graduate School Programme), participaron recientemente en el evento alternativo a la Feria Internacional de Educación Superior de Ar...

Visit of the Doctoral Studies Support Programme – DSSP to Argentina. 18 to 25 March 2024.

By Laura Victoria Calderón, Nicolas Alexander Pérez Forero and Eva Shamiran Youkhana The Doctoral Studies Support Programme (DSSP) and its team, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of their SDG Graduate School Program, recently participated in the alternative event to the International Fair of Higher Education in Argentina (FIESA) in Buenos Aires, organised by the Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional (CIN) of Argentina, DAAD, G...

Call: Fellowship for a research stay within the Doctoral Studies Support Program on Environmental Peace and Development in Colombia (DSSP)

With financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). PROVIDER: DAAD - BILATERAL SDG GRADUATE SCHOOLS  DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: April 22, 2024 OBJECTIVE OF THE CALL This call seeks to provide support to one (1) postdoctoral researcher from Latin America to carry out a research stay for three (3) months at the Center for Development Re...

Convocatoria: Beca de postdoctorado para estancia de investigación dentro del Programa de Apoyo a la Formación Doctoral sobre Paz Ambiental y Desarrollo en Colombia (PAFD).

Con el apoyo financiero del Servicio de Intercambio Académico Alemán (DAAD) y el Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económico y Desarrollo de Alemania (BMZ). ORGANISMO OFERENTE DAAD – BILATERAL SDG GRADUATE SCHOOLS FECHA DE CIERRE Abril 22 de 2024 OBJETIVO DE LA CONVOCATORIA La presente convocatoria busca brindar apoyo a un(a) (1) investigador(a) postdoctoral de Latinoamérica para realizar una estancia de investigación durante tres (3) me...

Reunión Anual PAFD 2023. Bogotá, Manizales, La Paz.

Durante dos semanas en noviembre pasado (del 14 al 24), parte del equipo de coordinación del PAFD visitó tres sedes diferentes de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) como parte de la reunión anual del programa y de la expansión de nuestras actividades a otras regiones del país. Durante la primera semana en Bogotá, el equipo participó en intensas reuniones con el socio local, el Instituto de Estudios Ambientales (IDEA), para presentar y discutir las...

DSSP Annual Meeting 2023. Bogotá, Manizales, La Paz.

Over two weeks in November (14-24), part of the DSSP coordination team visited three different campuses of the National University of Colombia (UNAL) as part of the programme's annual meeting and expansion of activities to other regions of the country. During the first week in Bogota, the team participated in intensive meetings with the local partner, the Environmental Studies Institute (IDEA), to present and discuss each partner's 2023 academic activitie...

Why do emotions matter for the territory? An approach to a cartography of emotions in Bajo Atrato, Chocó. Colombia.

"The workshop "Affect, body and territory: In search of an Architecture of Place: Granada, Tetouan, Marrakech, Tamnougalt, Ouazarzate, Essaouira, Casablanca, Tetouan" was a theoretical-practical workshop, a multi-scale immersion into the Moroccan territory, where cross readings of territory, landscape and architecture were constructed through affection" (Carolina Saldarriaga). Carolina made her oral presentation: Why are emotions important for the terr...