ZALF together with Center for Development Research (ZEF – University of Bonn) organizes four web-based seminars on
‘Environmental and Peacebuilding Practices in Conflict-Affected Scenarios: Concepts and Tools for Assessment’
in June 2020. It is possible to participate in selected or all four seminars.
To register, please contact

Seminar 1: Sustainability impact assessment: Introducing ScalA-Peacebuilding tool for ex-ante impact assessment
June 11 2020 4-5 pm (CET) English language
Introducing sustainability impact assessment (Dr. Jana Schindler, OXFAM Germany)
ScalA-Peacebuilding tool: assessing scaling-up potential of planned agricultural interventions (Dr. Katharina Löhr, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin), Germany)
Scala-PB in practice for impact assessment (Tatiana Rodriguez, ZALF Germany)
Seminar 2: Natural resource management in the context of conflict affected scenarios – applying a community-based perspective on the concept of environmental peacebuilding
June 25 2020 3-4 pm (CET) English language
Community based governance of natural resources in post-conflict scenarios (Luca Eufemia, ZALF, Germany)
Assessing environmental peacebuilding in post-war scenarios: can sustainable land use systems impact peacebuilding? (Héctor Morales, ZALF, Germany)
Designing sustainable land use systems for simultaneous targeting of climate change mitigation and peacebuilding (Martha Vanegas, Alliance Bioversity–CIAT, Colombia)
To register for seminar 2 and 3, please use the following link:
(it is possible to participate in one or both seminars using the same link)
Seminar 3: Methodologies for dialogue processes design and environmental risk assessment in conflict-affected scenarios
June 25 2020 4:15-5:15 pm (CET) English language
Experiences and challenges in the development of sustainable agricultural production systems in Caquetá, Colombia (Antonio Solarte, Centre for Research on Sustainable Agriculture (CIPAV), Colombia)
Integrative Conflict Transformation through dialogue process design (Héctor Morales, ZALF, Germany)
Participatory mapping, extracting quantitative results, and geo-referenced maps. Case Study in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Alicia Bustillos Ardaya, Center for Development Research (ZEF) – University of Bonn (UoB), Germany)
To register for seminar 2 and 3, please use the following link:
(If you registered for seminar 2 already, you do not need to register again. It is one link for both seminars. It is possible to join both seminars or only one.)
Seminar 4: Reflexiones sobre SIG Participativo y su uso en el contexto de conflictos ambientales y territoriales en Colombia
June 26 2020 Colombia 9-12:30; 4-7:30 pm (CET) Spanish language
Introducción sobre sistemas de información geográfica y cartografía crítica (Antonio Rogmann, Center for Development Research (ZEF) – University of Bonn (UoB), Alemania)
Reflexiones sobre sistemas de información geográfica y cartografía social (Susana Barrera, Instituto de Estudios Ambientales (IDEA) – Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL)/ Alejandro Mora Motta, ZEF – UoB)
Ejemplos de cartografía social realizada por el Instituto de Estudios Ambientales (Rosario Rojas, IDEA, Observatorio de Conflictos Ambientales (OCA) – UNAL / Juliana Aguilar / Jenny Santander, IDEA – UNAL)
Uso de plataformas para colectar, publicar y reusar información y datos sobre conflictos ambientales generados por métodos participativos (Karem Acero, IDEA – UNAL, Colombia / Juan Manuel Rengifo, IDEA – UNAL, OCA / Antonio Rogmann, ZEF – UoB)
To register for seminar 4, please use the following link:
(Meeting-ID: 947 6277 3371; Password, contraseña: 968837)
Program for download
The seminars are part of the research project “Implementing sustainable agricultural and livestock systems for simultaneous targeting of forest conservation for climate change mitigation (REDD+) and peace-building in Colombia,”. This project is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.

Where can I find the link for the webinar?