With financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).




April 22, 2024


This call seeks to provide support to one (1) postdoctoral researcher from Latin America to carry out a research stay for three (3) months at the Center for Development Research (Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung, ZEF) of the University of Bonn, Germany. The main objective of the stay is to advance in the discussion and analysis of research results, with academics from the University, which may lead to the writing of articles (may submit for publication in indexed journals), a reflection essay on topics relevant to the subject of environment, development, territory, and peace in Latin America, or to formulate a joint research proposal.

The beneficiaries will receive a monthly scholarship (2,150 €) for three (3) months to analyse results and prepare manuscripts at the University of Bonn. The scholarship also includes travel costs (tickets) to and from Germany and health insurance.

This call is in the framework of the Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools Program funded by the DAAD, from which the Center for Development Research (ZEF) at the University of Bonn benefited in collaboration with the Institute for Environmental Studies (IDEA) at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

The program aims at postdoctoral researchers who meet the academic profile described below, related to inter- and transdisciplinary approaches around the themes of environment, territory, peace, and development in Latin America.


Researcher with a doctoral degree in environmental, natural, social, economic, cultural or engineering sciences, who has carried out research in the last two years on ecology and the environment, peace and environmental conflicts, sustainability of production and extraction systems, agroecology, environmental policy, environmental and/or ecological economics, as well as territorial, sustainability and/or development issues. Experience in supervising research projects and postgraduate theses in the above areas. Must have a research proposal or research results (final or partial) on topics related to the profile, suitable for publication, developed within the last 5 years for analysis and discussion at ZEF.


Researchers interested in participating must meet the following requirements: 

  1. Be a researcher at a Latin American centre, institute, or university.
  2. To have a doctorate academic degree.
  3. Have the approval of your institution to carry out the writing stay in Germany.
  4. Comply with the academic profile established by the call.
  5. Abide by the statutes and regulations of the host institution and/or the terms of the respective agreement.
  6. Have the support of an academic peer at the University of Bonn, who develops research in line with their interests and has the availability to discuss the proposal or the results during their stay.
  7. Be fluent in English.

The postdoctoral stay will be for three months in 2024 to be defined with the academic peer at the University of Bonn.


Germany (Bonn)


One (1) postdoctoral stay.


The scholarship covers monthly support for the researcher during the three-month stay in Germany, the corresponding travel expenses, as well as health insurance. 


The interested researcher must apply for a postdoctoral stay at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) which is in charge of the administration of the DSSP program in Germany, including the following documents (PDF):

  1. Proposal of research work, the purpose of the stay, and the main results that are expected from it (maximum three pages, in Arial 11 font, simple spacing), together with the definition of available dates to carry it out.
  2. Resume with its respective supports.
  3. Letter of endorsement from at least one academic peer from the University of Bonn, who develops research work on related topics.
  4. Letter of endorsement of the presentation of the postulate, issued by its institution of origin.

The researcher must apply by e-mail to the following address: 

Carolina Tobón Ramírez catora@uni-bonn.de


The selection of the beneficiaries will be made by an Selection Committee formed as follows:

  • Delegate(s) of the Center for Development Research (ZEF) of the University of Bonn.
  • Delegate(s) of the Institute of Environmental Studies (IDEA) of the National University of Colombia – Bogotá.

Final approval is at the sole discretion of the Selection Committee, according to its assessment of applications, the number of vacancies, and the areas available. The award is formalized through a letter of award with a copy to the respective institution to which the beneficiary researcher belongs. The response will be made known to the interested parties within 4 weeks after the closing date of this call. 


  • We ask you to read this announcement carefully. Your chances of being selected increase as you meet the requirements (internal and of the host institution) and follow the instructions given here.
  • Applications may not be accompanied by documents and recommendations other than those requested in this call.
  • It is requested that before asking questions the candidate has studied this call in detail since no questions will be answered that can be responded to with the information contained in this document.
  • To obtain information that is not available in this call, we suggest consulting the following contacts:

Carolina Tobón Ramírez, Academic Coordination DSSP ZEF- University of Bonn


Laura Victoria Calderón, DSSP Academic Coordination IDEA- Bogotá


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