“The workshop “Affect, body and territory: In search of an Architecture of Place: Granada, Tetouan, Marrakech, Tamnougalt, Ouazarzate, Essaouira, Casablanca, Tetouan” was a theoretical-practical workshop, a multi-scale immersion into the Moroccan territory, where cross readings of territory, landscape and architecture were constructed through affection” (Carolina Saldarriaga).
Carolina made her oral presentation: Why are emotions important for the territory? An approach to some cartographies of emotions in Bajo Atrato, Chocó, Colombia in which through a series of videos she showed the first findings of her doctoral thesis. This event was of great relevance for her research, not only because of the subject proposed but also because of the possibility of establishing academic exchanges with professors from the University of Granada and the discussion of the first theoretical-methodological findings of her research work.

Among the main academic discussions that arose from the presentation and the prospects for future research, Carolina identified “the inexorable relationship between affects, the body and territory. Inhabiting is a permanent relationship between spaces and emotions; therefore, attachment, rootedness and affect are key pieces in studies of territory. There is an emotional dimension that underlies the architectural and territorial reality; and although objectivist approaches have been privileged in its practice, it appears relevant to take into account subjectivity, memory and context”.

The event was organised by the University of Granada and took place from 17 to 31 July 2023.
Photos: Carolina Saldarriaga Cardona