by Juan David Reina-Rozo

Within the framework of this research experience, the term Biocultural Innovation is approached as a broad conceptual framework adaptable to the conditions of the Colombian Pacific Coast, in particular, around the production processes based on the biological and cultural diversity of Afro-Colombian communities in two territories.

Firstly, the Chiyangua Foundation is located in Guapi – department of Cauca, with its co-research process focused on the cultivation and transformation of Papachina. Secondly, the Association of Artisanal Fishermen Cachalote Panguí (ASPACP), located in Nuquí – department of Chocó, has led the process of responsible fishing at the territorial level. Thus, the first phase of the process included activities around building trust with the grassroots organizations. Several calls and communications were made around the purpose of the research and its process.

Secondly, it is necessary to point out the participation in academic events as part of the postdoctoral stay. In this way, we participated in five different national and international events where the progress of the research products has been shared. Also, in December, an educational event called the First Forum on Technology and Community Innovation in the Pacific Coast was organized. Thirdly, three products are referred around the process of the stay, two articles for submission to journals and an abstract already submitted and awaiting acceptance for the article’s writing.

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