This scientific program results from intense discussions between the bilateral partners of the IDEA and the ZEF. All the initiatives and activities within the program are related to the following objectives, which harmonize with the active research programs of the IDEA and the research interests of the ZEF.

1) Exploration of the complex relations between conflict (including the Peace Agreement) and the environment in its various manifestations, looking at natural resources as the reason, the victim, beneficiary, and finally, the solution for conflicts.

2) The examination of competing actors and institutions at various scales in land management, deepening the understanding of the institutional-socioeconomic framework required for both sustainable land use and the sustentation of the ecosystem for productive activities.

3) The analysis of path dependencies, and interdependencies of legal, social, cultural, and economic factors that foster inequalities in the access to land and territorial rights in Colombia.

4) The analysis of potentials to strengthen communities in their activities to use and protect the environment.


Research Agenda (2023)

Evaluation of the Research Agenda (2024)